“The Leaven of Hypocrisy”
Luke 12:1-12

In the meantime, when an innumerable multitude of people had gathered together, so that they trampled one another, He began to say to His disciples first of all, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.” – Luke 12:1

The word hypocrisy comes from a Greek word meaning “an actor.” It is one who plays the part. It is something that we oftentimes see in others but seldom in ourselves. We would do well, however, to look at this verse carefully and look in the mirror, because Jesus began to say this “to His disciples.” The warning is directed toward disciples.

Hypocrisy is something that we must guard against. There is a perpetual lure toward outward appearance and the scribes and pharisees certainly had that down. They were more concerned with reputation than character, what others thought than what God knew. 

And what causes hypocrisy? Fear. Fearing what others think over fearing God. Concern with how we look on the outside is at the core of hypocrisy.

Notice in vv. 4-7 of our passage this morning the words “fear” and “afraid.” They are used several times. Jesus put His finger on it, the base of hypocrisy is fear.

“It is easy to see why Jesus gave this warning at this particular time. The disciples might be tempted either to gain popularity by pleasing the crowds or avoid trouble by pleasing the scribes and Pharisees. All of us want people to like us, and it seems such an easy thing to ‘act the part’ that others want to see.” [Wiersbe]

So, what is the remedy? Love! “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear” [1 Jn 4:18]. God’s perfect love is the cure for fear, especially the fear of what people think, which lays at the core of hypocrisy.

The fear of people always brings a snare [ref. Prov 29:25] and the Lord wants to spare us of this. As disciples, we must serve fearing God alone. Deep in our hearts our desire must be to please God above all others. 

And when this spiritual principle is established, only then can “the leaven of spiritual hypocrisy” be eradicated from our own lives as well as from the life of the church.