“The Journey to Jerusalem”
Luke 9:51-62
“Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem.” – Luke 9:51
This marks a new section in Luke. The previous six chapters [Luke 4:4-9:50] record Jesus ministering in the Galilee preaching, teaching, and healing every disease and sickness. Luke records three tours in the Galilee with the climax being the Transfiguration.
He now “set His face toward Jerusalem” where His ultimate mission lay: the Cross. He warned His disciples prior that He must go to Jerusalem “to be betrayed into the hands of men.” [Lk 9:44] He continued warning them, but they did not understand until well after He had died and risen.
“In this next section [Lk 9:51-19:27] authentication was no longer the issue. The issue was now acceptance. Jesus was not accepted by most of the nation. Therefore, He began to teach His followers how they should live in face of opposition.” [The Bible Knowledge Commentary]
It is a similar dynamic today: Authentication precedes acceptance. As one recognizes who Jesus is, there then needs to be a decision of acceptance, accepting Him as Lord. The next step is to follow.
This is the progression of the Christian faith. It starts with the born-again experience in John 3, and then goes on to discipleship. There is, however, a cost of discipleship [ref. Lk 9:57-62]. The benefits, however, are far greater.
“In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” [Jn 16:33]
In these red-lettered words of Jesus we can have great hope in this life of faith, even in the face of opposition.