“Fishers of Men and the Miracle of Multiplication”
Luke 5:1-32
And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.” – Luke 5:10
There was a Spirit-filled cadence to Jesus’ ministry: miracle and message. The miracles ratified the message. The authority of our Lord’s words was endorsed by His deeds.
“Any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and He laid hands on every one of them and healed them.” [Lk 4:40] It wasn’t just half or two thirds; He healed them all! All that came to Him were healed.
But the interesting thing is this, Jesus as a Man was only able to minister to a finite number. And that is why He raised up disciples. Jesus as fully God could minister to an infinite number, but as fully Man, like us, a finite number. And therefore Jesus, once again, is our example, and in this case, He is our example on how to expand ministry. It is through the raising of disciples.
That was [and continues to be] His great miracle of multiplication. Jesus, by way of the Cross and through the work of the Holy Spirit, multiplied His ministry exponentially through others. He even told His disciples that “greater works” they would do after He left [ref. Jn 14:12]. It would be a greater work in number!
It is important to remember, however, that the message of God’s word is more important than the miracles. Yes, miracles certainly are wonderful, but the far greater work is the message, the Gospel; the Good News of Jesus Christ, which when received by faith brings eternal life. Miracles are temporal; the message [God’s word] is eternal.
And His message is given through disciples, followers of Jesus. The great miracle, therefore, is the miracle of multiplication that comes through disciples who become fishers of men.
More fishers, more fish, more men and women in the Kingdom!