From Following to Sending
Matthew 10:24-42
Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. - Matthew 10:34
This seems to be a contradiction in terms when considering that one of the names of Jesus is Prince of Peace. This, however, is peace with God. Jesus has settled peace between Holy God and sinful man through the Cross. But regarding the world, He brings a sword of separation; spiritual now, physical later at His Return.
Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. [James 4:4] Jesus reverberated these words in Matthew 10.
To love this world means committing spiritual adultery. You have a choice. You can be the worlds friend and Gods enemy, or you can be Gods friend and the worlds enemy. Which will it be? [Greg Laurie]
This decision [the right decision] is what makes a true disciple. There certainly is a cost to being a disciple of Christ [ref. 8:18-22]. A disciple follows, not just for the miracles, but more importantly, for the message. If God never rendered another physical miracle in a disciples life, it would not matter; he would still follow. That is because a true disciple has peace with God and has been set apart from the world. But that is the challenge. We love the miracles, and even the message, but when it comes to separating ourselves from the world, that is when it becomes difficult.
Notice in Matt 10:35-37, Jesus even refers to being set apart from family who are not following the Lord. It is not that we isolate ourselves from them; the principle is not fellowshipping [or hanging out] with them. Biological family will always be family. As the saying goes, blood runs thicker than water. But even in family relationships, there is a set apartness, and Jesus highlights this in these verses.
When a Christian fully understands this; he has graduated from being a follower to one sent out. For the one that God sends out can only be one who is set apart.
Jesus preached an ordination sermon. [Wiersbe] It was graduation time for the Twelve. They went from following to being sent out as apostles [v.10:2].
Might we do the same: Following, willing to move past worldly relationships, so that we might be freed up and sent out to further the Kingdom.