Right Foundation
Matthew 7:24-29
Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock; and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. - Matthew 7:24-25
The Therefore in 7:24 is an especially important word. It connects us to the previous sections of the Sermon and then leads us to its conclusion. Therefore, whoever hears these sayings of Mine...
These sayings are the whole of the Sermon [Matt. 5-7]. Therefore, if you do these things, you will be living on a firm foundation.
Here is our outline of these sayings over the past several weeks:
1. Right Character from a Right Heart [5:1-12; the Beatitudes]
2. Right Influence [5:13-16; being salt and light]
3. Right Righteousness [5:17-48; Gods intent of the Law]
4. Right Worship [6:1-18; right religion – giving, prayer, fasting]
5. Right Priority [6:19-34; treasure in heaven vs. treasure on earth]
6. Right Discernment [7:1-23; with regard to right relationships]
Jesus then concluded His Sermon with an exhortation to build upon these principles for a Right Foundation!
The person who builds upon Jesus will have foundation; he will not be swayed; he will be built upon an immoveable Rock. Though the wind, rain, and storms come in this life, he will stand. In this world you will have tribulation… [Jn 16:33]. In this life you will be tempted [ref. Lk 8:13] But he who is founded upon Christ, the Rock, will stand!
There are many a fallen Christian whose great regret is not taking heed to this Sermon. It is Spiritual teaching and can only be fulfilled in the Spirit. Be ye perfect as your Father is perfect in heaven [Matt 5:48]. That should drive us all to Jesus by Whom the Spirit is imparted. The law is indeed our tutor to bring us to Christ [ref. Gal 3:24].
On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand. Might we have the words of this ageless hymn permanently chiseled into our hearts.
Any foundation other than Christ will faulter. In the end it is only Jesus! The sooner we learn this, the more fruitful our lives will become.