Characters of a Godly Man
Matthew 2:13-23
When he arose, he took the young Child and His mother by night and departed for Egypt… [Matthew 2:14]
There really is not a lot of Scripture on Joseph, Marys husband, our Lords adopted father. But the handful of verses that we have, describe him as a God-fearing man and a Spirit-led leader.
The end of Matt 1 records that he sought to put her away secretly finding that she [Mary] was with child during their engagement. Joseph, being a just man, did not want to make her a public example. One can only imagine the questions [and hurt] he was feeling. And yet, his concern was for Mary. He was more interested in her wellbeing even while his own heart was broken. This is a mark of a Godly man and leader. He did not yell and get violent; he trusted God and served his wife. Yeah guys, the ways of God are very different than the way this world teaches.
In our passage this morning we will see several Godly characters in Joseph. Firstly, he knows to wait for Gods word. Now when they had departed [the Magi], behold, an angel of the Lord appeared… [v.13]. It had been over two years in Bethlehem. No doubt Joseph sensed danger during that time, and yet he stayed put until the Word of the Lord came.
Secondly, when it was time to go, he went. Though the travel to Egypt would be dangerous, he went. It was the Word of the Lord that was leading him. He was a man of faith, even though there was much around him to fear. He left by faith, and he led his family by faith [not by fear]. This is another mark of a true leader.
Thirdly, Joseph was a man of wisdom. Notice that the angel told Joseph to flee [v.13] not fight. Notice, too, that Joseph took the young Child and His mother by night and departed for Egypt. [v.14] Joseph received Gods word and applied it wisely.
The whole of the Bible reveals Gods will, way, and timing. In the handful of verses on Joseph, we see him faithfully exercising these three. Notice that two out of three is not enough. In Josephs case it would have been disastrous.
But it is the same for us. It starts with knowing Gods will, way, and timing; and then walking in the three that inherits the fullness of Gods blessings.
We should be settling for nothing less than the three.