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Luke 21:1-38 | “Watching Jerusalem”
David Higa
David Higa
Sunday, September 8, 2024
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“Watching Jerusalem”
Luke 21:1-38

“And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” – Luke 21:24

It has been said, “if you want to know the future, watch Israel, and specifically the city of Jerusalem.”  Watching Jerusalem is key to understanding Bible prophesy.

In our passage we will continue to see Jesus ministering to Israel and in Jerusalem. It is Passion Week, the last week of His earthly ministry. In just a few short days He will go to the Cross to fulfill the Scriptures. 

His authority was challenged, and by all the religious and political groups; the Scribes, Pharisees, Elders, Sadducees, and Herodians. If the condition of a city can be recognized by its leaders, then Jerusalem was in a bad way. 

Jesus warned them in the parable of the wicked vinedressers [Lk 20:9-19], and He wept for them when He entered the city [Lk 19:41]. However, they “did not recognize the time of God’s coming” [Lk 19:44]. And because of this they would be scattered to the ends of the earth “until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.”

In 70 A.D. that is exactly what happened. Titus and the Roman army came in and destroyed the city and temple, killing over 600,000 Jews, and took several thousands more captive. 

From that day until May 1948 [just 76 years ago], the Jewish people existed without a homeland. Quite an amazing phenomenon when you think about it. How many people groups have survived without a homeland? The Jews surely are a unique people, and Israel a unique nation. 

Their existence highlights an undeniable Divine hand. God preserved generations of Jews to fulfill latter day prophecies.

This draws special attention to our passage, particularly Lk 21:25-36 which describes events leading to our Lord’s Return. When Jesus returns, the stage will be set again at Jerusalem and the Temple. Like the first time He will enter from the east on the Mount of Olives. But unlike the first He will come as King to rule and reign [not to go to the Cross].

When you hear of “wars and rumors of wars,” especially around Jerusalem; and the increase of earthquakes, famines, and pestilence, we need to know, that we are close to the end. Jesus did say that no one knows the time, but He also said to know the signs and “be ready.”  And that is the important question that we all should be asking ourselves today, “Are we ready?”